Technology school mission statements

The following vision statements come from actual school and district technology plans created by Sun Associates clients. These statements are intended to show the range of topics and approaches that can be taken with this key section of any educational technology plan.

Please note that these statements are presented only for your information and are the property of their respective schools. Copying these visions directly into your plan is not only illegal, but (more importantly) runs counter to the point of vision development; and that is, the crafting of a unique statement which reflects your school's aspirations and intents for integrating technology into the educational environment.

Mansfield Public Schools

Mansfield Public Schools’ Technology Planning Committee has developed the following vision statement to guide its work in creating a five-year strategic plan for technology implementation:

As described in the overall mission of the Mansfield Public Schools, the purpose of education is to prepare students to be productive and caring adults. Within this context, we believe that technology is a tool for learning that expands our instructional repertoire and is the vehicle that maximizes the capacity of all teachers and learners. It is the vision of Mansfield Public Schools that students be engaged in a stimulating academic environment and a challenging curriculum that is student-centered and focused on inquiry-based learning.

Specifically, we envision that technology is available and effectively supported for all students and staff:

It is our intention that this vision will remain constant over the course of our plan and that it will guide the day-to-day and year-to-year implementation of technology across Mansfield Public Schools.

Rosemary Middle School

Our Vision for Technology Integration

Students, parents, and educators will use communication and information technologies to enhance and expand the traditional role of education in the Andrews community. We believe the basic goal of education has not changed, that is to prepare our students for life-long learning and success in a change society. However , the tools and instructional methods to achieve these goals have advanced dramatically. Technologies such as computers, networks, and wide area communications offer tremendous opportunities to students and educators as a way to improve life within our community and a link to a world outside of Andrews. Rosemary Middle School has the responsibility for developing curriculum and applying instructional methods enriched with technology and in ensuring that our students and teachers are proficient users of these new technologies. This technology integration plan will outline our strategies for turning this vision into reality.

Lincoln High School

Vision for Educational Technology

Technology offers students an avenue to succeed as citizens in a global society in which information is growing at an incredible rate. Technology can improve communication, enhance thinking skills, make instruction more efficient and effective, and develop life skills critical to success. Lincoln High School will incorporate technology as a means of integrating curriculum across subject areas. Students and educators will be guaranteed opportunities to use technology as an integral part of education. In support of this vision, Lincoln High School offers its Strategic Educational Technology Plan.

Groton Public Schools

A Vision for Technology

We envision using technology to further a learning community where:

Students are engaged in a challenging curriculum that is focused on inquiry-based, hands-on learning. Students are comfortable using technology. Students take responsibility for their own educational success.

Teachers use technology to support all learning across the curriculum. They function as coaches, mentors, advocates, and managers of information. Through on-going, comprehensive professional development, all teachers acquire the knowledge and skills to integrate technology into a challenging and interdisciplinary curriculum which addresses students' specific needs, developmental levels and learning styles.

Administrative functions, including those performed by instructional staff, are fully automated, thereby allowing more of the school system's energy and resources to be focused on student education.

The schools become an environment where all students and staff have ready access to a full range of current technology, software tools, and applications. The schools have knowledgeable staff and external resources (such as parents, community members, business, higher education, and network resources) to further the curriculum goals.

Whiteville City Schools

The vision of Whiteville City Schools is to provide all students with access to state-of-the-art information technology which will assist them in:

In addition, all administrators, teachers, and district/school staff will use technology daily to effectively help students attain high standards and prepare for tomorrow's world of work.

In the 21st century, understanding and using technology will be an integral part of virtually every aspect of daily life. It is the school system's responsibility to prepare students for this future. The classroom is the primary place where this preparation will occur; therefore, every classroom must be equipped with diverse technologies to support teaching and learning. Every teacher must be knowledgeable and skilled in the use of these technologies in daily instruction. When integrated into instruction, technology will support new strategies for teaching and learning by:

The use of technology in instruction changes the structure of the classroom. No longer will the teacher rely solely on the traditional lecture/seat work method of instruction. In a technology-rich, learner-centered classroom, the teacher serves as a facilitator of instruction, mentor, and coach. Technology will provide a record of the student's academic history and ways to manage learning progress and activities. Teachers have the data and information needed to individualize instruction and assessment as well as make other important instructional management decisions. Through technology, teachers and students will access a wealth of materials, services, and networks throughout the state, nation, and world. Technology does not replace the teacher, but rather supports and enhances the educational process.

At the end of the day, Lisa is invited to join the on-going Monday afternoon technology workshops. Today's training is on the use of the digital camera and CD-ROM/Internet Access. She sees the technology specialist and other staff members instructing small groups of fellow teachers. Lisa is impressed with the camaraderie and interest each staff member has in sharing expertise and ideas with one another.

Therefore, in support of this vision, the Whiteville City Schools offers the following technology plan.

Information on this site that has been produced by Sun Associates is Copyright 1997 - 2013 Sun Associates and is available for individual, one-time, use by educators. Duplication is prohibited without permission. All other material is the property of its authors and Sun Associates makes no warranty for its use or accuracy.

Last updated, January 17, 2007