H.R. 5 (115 th ): Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017

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About the bill

Source: Republican Policy Committee

H.R. 5 combines six previously passed bills to eliminate what bill sponsors call overly burdensome red tape and regulation. Major provisions of the legislation include:

Title I which requires agencies to choose the lowest-cost rulemaking alternative that meets statutory objectives and requires greater opportunity for public input and vetting of critical information.

Title II which repeals the Chevron and Auer doctrines to end judicial deference to bureaucrats’ statutory and regulatory interpretations.

Title III which requires agencies to account for the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of new regulations on small businesses and find flexible ways to reduce them. Specifically, the title amends the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) and the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) to ensure agencies adequately analyze proposed rules for their potential impacts on small businesses. …

Sponsor and status

Photo of sponsor Bob Goodlatte

Bob Goodlatte

Sponsor. Representative for Virginia's 6th congressional district. Republican.