Find resources about Indigenous histories in Canada, including Treaties, heritage sites, and archival photos.
Helps build partnerships between Indigenous communities, organizations, industry and other levels of government.
This video series captures the experiences of seven students going on a road trip to learn about treaties in Alberta.
Learn about the history of Indigenous peoples in the prairies and their relationship with the government
This interactive infographic from the government of Canada provides information about the historic treaties that cover more than 50% of the land that makes up Canada.
An article from the archived Alberta Online EncyclopediaAll cultures can best be expressed through their connection to “place.” The story of Canada is the story of the land we live on, that we cultivate, harvest and build our cities on. It is also the story of who each of us are, where we came from, and why we are here today. Our story is the story of how we hope to live together in the future.
The information found here can be used for research projects such as documenting land claims, or for studying independent Statutes and Acts, Treaties and Court Decisions
A digital map of treaty areas and traditional lands of Indigenous peoples around the world.
In this lesson students explore the Numbered Treaties with a focus on present relevance, historical and contemporary relationships, and the benefits shared by all Canadians.
The vision of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner in Saskatchewan is to promote respect and understanding of Treaties and to help support the Treaty parties in maintaining and enhancing the Treaty relationship through dialogue, neutral support, assistance with resolving disputes and commitment to the Treaty principles.”
A document produced by the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan.A teaching resource by Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan.
A free educational package from Canada's History site. Created with contributing writers, from throughout Canada, sharing their insights and knowledge on a wide variety of aspects of Treaty history and the Treaty Relationship.
An article from the Alberta Online EncyclopediaThe website of the signatories of Treaty 8. These nations agreed to the treaty's terms for reasons of peace and friendship – ensuring what they thought would be a partnership.
The Treaty 8 Tribal Association (T8TA) was created to provide advisory services to Treaty 8 First Nations for the purpose of achieving economic prosperity and a healthy environment.
The Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba is a neutral body created through a partnership between the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) and Canada with a mandate to strengthen, rebuild and enhance the Treaty relationship and mutual respect as envisaged by the Treaty Parties.
In this section, read historical interpretations of treaties the Crown has signed with Aboriginal peoples since the 18th century.
This site was developed with the help of historians, cultural leaders and teachers who have shared their units, lessons, stories and documentation of special projects that focused on Treaty 6.
A lesson plan for junior high teachers regarding treaties in CanadaIn this lesson students explore the concept of spirit and intent by investigating the differing views held by the Crown and First Nation peoples at the time of Treaty-making.