Accommodation Supplement: Ongoing help with your rent

If you’re on one of the main Work and Income benefits, or if you meet the income threshold, you can also get the Accommodation Supplement.

If you’re eligible for a main benefit, the Accommodation Supplement is not income-tested, but it is asset-tested.

Non-beneficiaries face both the asset test and the income test where over a certain threshold of income or asset, your Accomodation Supplement will begin to reduce.

The cash asset limit is currently $8,100 for a single person or $16,200 for a couple.

What does the Accommodation Supplement cover?

The Accommodation Supplement can be paid for rent or board and in some situations, for mortgages and other essential costs paid by home-owners. Your accommodation could be a house, flat, boat, caravan or other type of dwelling.

The Accommodation Supplement is not available for social housing tenants.

How much do I get from the Accommodation Supplement?

How much you can get depends on which part of New Zealand you live in and on the size of your household.

Other help with your rent

If you’re renting or moving out of social housing, you might also be able to get more help with your rent (“housing support products”). Each product has different rules for who can receive it, and you may or may not have to pay Work and Income back.

These housing support products include:

For more information, go to Work and Income’s webiste, here (or go to and search “Housing”). For information about social housing available from Kāinga Ora (Housing New Zealand) and community organisations see: “ Social housing: Tenants in state and community housing ”.

Next Section | Help getting into work or self-employment

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