How to Create an Effective Application Portfolio Management Strategy (that Includes SaaS)

To effectively manage software assets and maximize those investments across the business, enterprises employ application portfolio management (APM). APM simply means a proactive approach an organization uses to manage its software application assets. While traditionally thought of in the context of on-premise software, modern portfolio management must take SaaS into account.

APM becomes more complicated when you consider the dynamic nature of SaaS. According to Zylo research:

Learn the value of an APM strategy, and what an effective application portfolio management program should encompass when it comes to SaaS.

Portfolio size and spend

Why an Application Portfolio Management Strategy Matters

The ease of SaaS acquisition leads to decentralized purchasing. In fact, IT now only manages 28% of application spending. In contrast, business units and employees now manage 72% of SaaS spending.

Decentralized purchasing

This decentralization results in shadow IT—applications operating within an organization without proper oversight. This reduced visibility makes it hard to control costs and ensure security and compliance. With SaaS now the second-largest OpEx line item (next to headcount), a programmatic management approach proves more critical than ever.

In addition, effective APM empowers employees with the right tools, streamlines SaaS stacks, reduces cost, and maximizes investments. According to Gartner’s Market Guide for Application Portfolio Management Tools , the top use cases for APM include:

Creating an APM Strategy

The first step to building an APM strategy is to consider your business goals and how APM can support them. For example, do you want to reduce operating expenses by consolidating your organization’s SaaS stack? Would you like your employees to self-select tools from a pre-vetted list of options? Do you want to enhance collaboration across departments by getting employees to use the same tools?

Next, understand that visibility into all applications used within the organization is necessary to implement an application portfolio management strategy. That means reining in shadow IT and utilizing a discovery tool to find SaaS wherever it lurks.

How the Zylo Discovery Engine Powers the Most Comprehensive SaaS Management Platform

Complete visibility uncovers the opportunities for improvement, which you can then prioritize according to your goals. Those opportunities include:

Executing Your Strategy

Determining business needs and priorities allows you to create an ongoing application portfolio management strategy. Then, it’s time to put it into action. If reducing SaaS spend is your goal, those action steps may look like:

With a goal of improving the utility of your organization’s SaaS stack, you should consider:

Powering Your Application Portfolio Management Strategy

To implement an effective APM strategy, you need complete visibility into your SaaS stack and utilization data that only a SaaS Management Platform can offer. Sure, you can try tracking apps and renewals in a spreadsheet, but that method results in errors, shadow IT, and wasted spend.

Zylo Discovery Engine

Companies that are serious about their APM strategies turn to Zylo for a SaaS Management Platform that offers:

In addition, Zylo allows you to deploy user sentiment surveys with a single click, and those surveys offer valuable insights to drive app adoption, renewal, or sunsetting decisions.

For more on using application portfolio management to track, monitor, and optimize your SaaS, check out this guide.